WordCamp Kerala 2024

November 09. 2024
Malabar Marina Convention Center, Kozhikode

Call for Speakers

Namaskaram 🙏🏻

Kerala, often referred to as “God’s Own Country,” is ready to host its second WordCamp, and we warmly invite you to be a part of this incredible event. Whether you are a seasoned WordPress professional or an enthusiast with a story to tell, this is your opportunity to share your insights, experiences, and expertise with a vibrant community of WordPress lovers from across the globe.

Presenting at a prestigious event like WordCamp not only elevates your professional credibility but also opens doors to new opportunities. It’s a fantastic way to broaden your network, gain recognition in the industry, and potentially grow your business. Plus, imagine how impressive it will look on your resume—showcasing your leadership, expertise, and commitment to the WordPress community!

And if that’s not enough, WordCamp Kerala takes place in one of the most breathtaking destinations in the world. Selected by The New York Times as a must-visit destination in 2023, Kerala offers an unforgettable experience, from serene backwaters to lush landscapes. Speaking here is more than just a career milestone—it’s also a chance to explore the beauty and culture of a place like no other.

We look forward to welcoming you to Kerala and to what promises to be an extraordinary WordCamp at Kozhikode, Kerala.

Table of contents

Who Can Apply?

We encourage anyone with a passion for sharing their insights, experiences, and stories to apply! Whether you are a WordPress expert, an enthusiast, or someone who simply has a valuable perspective, your voice matters to us.

You don’t need to have advanced technical knowledge or years of experience to be a speaker at WordCamp. We firmly believe that everyone has something unique to offer, and we’re committed to ensuring that every voice is heard. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or stepping up to the mic for the very first time, we welcome you with open arms!

If you’re excited to engage with a captivated audience and contribute to the WordPress community, this is your chance to shine. WordCamp is all about diversity of thought, and your story could be the inspiration someone else is waiting to hear.

In 2024, we’ve set an ambitious and meaningful goal: to have an equal representation of male and non-male speakers at WordCamp Kerala. As an event that champions inclusivity, we are proud to be an equal opportunity platform that warmly welcomes individuals of all ages, genders, social backgrounds, appearances, and any other socially identifiable characteristics. Our event is a space where diversity thrives, and we encourage everyone to apply as speakers and share their unique perspectives.

What Topics Can You Speak About?

Based on valuable feedback from the WordPress Kerala community, we have identified several key topics that many attendees are eager to explore. These topics serve as guidelines, but they’re by no means restrictive—feel free to choose a subject that resonates with you and aligns with your expertise!

And if you have an exciting topic in mind that you believe would benefit the WordPress community, don’t hesitate to share it with us. You can reach out at kerala@wordcamp.org or drop your ideas in the comments below this post. We’re always open to fresh ideas and enthusiastic about incorporating new suggestions into our program.

  • WordPress Development
  • Blocks in WordPress
  • WordPress Site Editing
  • Page Speed/Optimization
  • WordPress Troubleshooting
  • WordPress Security
  • JavaScript for WordPress
  • WordPress Hosting
  • AI for WordPress
  • Headless/Decoupled WordPress
  • Contributing to the WordPress project
  • SEO
  • Extending WordPress
  • Doing business with WordPress
  • Building WordPress Products
  • Tools for System Administration
  • WordPress eCommerce
  • Designing for Accessibility / WCAG 2
  • Future of WordPress
  • Freelancing with WordPress
  • Working with the community
  • WordPress Community

Session Details and Format

  • We will have two tracks of sessions this year.
  • 30-Minute Talks:
    • Plan your session for 30 minutes.
    • The last 10 minutes will be dedicated to an interactive Q&A with the audience.
    • Keep your sessions engaging and thought-provoking to maintain an active audience.
  • 10-Minute Lightning Talks:
    • A great option for delivering concise and impactful presentations.
    • Ensure the audience understands your core message clearly within the short time frame.
  • Workshop Track:
    • We are introducing a hands-on workshop track this year.
    • If you are interested in hosting a workshop, let us know in your application.
  • Panel Discussions:
    • Panel discussions are highly engaging.
    • If you would like to participate in or host a panel, make sure to mention it in your application.
  • Application Process:
    • Applications will be vetted by our dedicated team.
    • We will keep you updated throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Language Should Your Talk Be In?

You are welcome to deliver your session in either English or Malayalam—we’re excited to listen to your ideas in whichever language you feel most comfortable!

Bonus perks

All speakers will receive complimentary tickets to the event, along with exclusive access to the afterparty and the speaker dinner. It’s a great opportunity to connect with fellow WordPress enthusiasts and unwind after the event!

How Are Speakers Selected?

We are committed to ensuring that our review process is as fair, impartial, and unbiased as possible. Our primary focus is selecting topics with the best content and variety that will resonate with our audience. Each selected speaker will be allotted just one topic, even if they’ve applied for multiple. In such cases, we will choose the topic we believe will have the strongest appeal.

To help us make informed decisions, it would be immensely helpful if you could provide a clear and compelling overview of your chosen topic in your application. Please include why you believe it’s important to the WordPress community and how your experience or connection with the subject makes you the right person to present it.

Application Timeline

Submit your applications before October 5th (Saturday) at 23:59 IST (18:29 UTC). This deadline will provide us with ample time to review all submissions and schedule the sessions accordingly. It will also give you sufficient time to prepare thoroughly for your talk.

We strongly encourage you to apply as early as possible to ensure the best chance of being considered! ⚡️

Apply to speak at WordCamp Kerala 2024!

If you’d like to propose multiple topics, please submit the form multiple times, once for each topic.

Before submitting your speaker proposal, please log in to WordCamp.org using your WordPress.org account*.

If you don’t have an account, please create one.

* This is your account for the official WordPress.org website, rather than your personal WordPress site.

Is this your first time being a speaker at a WordPress event?